Was Chuck Russell pleased with his masonic pyramid grave stone and does the judge miss his palatial pad in San Diego or has he got a better reward up there with the heavenly host.Do they both like the way the New World Soc. has developed ?
So many questions ; do they serve spirits over on the other side,? I know how bro. Rutherford loved to imbibe with his frequent little tipples?
One more, does the Judge miss his Cadillacs or has he been awarded his own super duper flaming chariot, you know ,so that he can commute easily between Brooklyn and the eternal throne on high? Tell him we don't need wind up granmaphones any longer because we have the internet now from which we derive the truth.
OMG, if you are busy right now the answers will wait awhile,oh! one more thing is JR planning on publishing any new heavenly books?